Hello all! I return to this blog a year older than I was the last time I posted- that's how it works, right? I ought to have had this up on my birthday, so apologies, but if I had posted it then, I wouldn't have had pictures to go with it. Now, I do.
First, though, to the theater. Things have been fine, if busy. This past week was tech week, leading up to Friday's opening night for 9 to 5. That meant a lot of last minute painting and props and very little actual watching runs, unfortunately. Hopefully, the run went well- I'll have to find out on Monday.
Back to makeup! I've done two things this week. One is a concept for my cyberpunk idea, which I tested out this evening and which was more planning than actual final product. I didn't do much to match the colour of the wax to my skin tone, so it's a little obvious it's an applied piece, but like I said, it's more a proof of concept than anything. If I have time to revisit that particular idea, I'll make it more neatly.
Here it is, below:
I have other plans for a face piece, and also possibly more, if I can get my model's time again.
Because it was so rough, I didn't do a step-by-step, but the whole thing is pretty basic: gray paint with blue sparkles to make it look metallic, with a border done in wax. The wax was also enough to hold the wires in place, so I didn't really need any adhesive for this.
As for the other piece, I had a friend over for the weekend, so of course I had to do her nails.
(Thanks again to Skye!)
I did take more step-by-step pictures for this one, but there were very few steps. First, I had to cut fake nails to the size and shape of my model's, then cut any breaks or cracks I wanted to have. That, I took no pictures of, but in a few other, closer pictures, where I cut is more visible. I coloured the area around the actual nails red, with dark red at the place where skin meets nail, then glued them down with eyelash glue on the fake nails and gel blood over her nails- it's thick and sticky, so it actually worked quite well, for the short time she had them on, and it had a bonus effect later on, which I'll show.
Here's just the nails, without the zombie colour to her skin.

I also added some black around the edges of the nails and the cracks before I put them on her, to make them look dirty, and added a mix of red, yellow, and purple to give them the right colour and make them more opaque.
Here's a few more with the zombie colour I added to her skin (a mix of green and purple):
And without the nails:
All in all, this week was pretty productive, in terms of makeup concepts. I've also been told that if I wanted to make the above friend fully into a zombie, I could- if I have the time to, that will either be on my blog or in my presentation!
Thanks for reading, and sorry this is so late: I had some problems getting the pictures to the right place this week.