First, a little about me. I'm a BASIS Scottsdale senior who loves to mess around with special effects makeup. I've been fascinated with the effects in movies and shows for a few years now, since I first came across the how-to videos so many people have up here and there online, and I've been working with them on and off ever since. In particular, I like creating the kinds of effects found in horror shows and movies like The Walking Dead.
If you're interested in seeing some of the things I've done, there's a link to a gallery of some of my makeup off to the right side of the screen, labeled "My makeup." Things I make from this point forwards will be put up on this blog, though.
Now, on to a bit about my project!
What is my project? My goal in this is less to research and more to learn more about makeup and special effects. I hope to figure out how to make new and better things, and to do that, I'll be looking at how-to videos and tutorials, as well as books on the subject. I'll be posting some of the videos I watch, and some videos of my own, too! I also plan to put up pictures of makeup tests for whatever piece I happen to be working on.
What do I mean by tests? When I'm first figuring out an effect, I like to figure out what works best before I try to make a final piece. I have a couple at the bottom for a piece I'm working on now as examples- more on that as it develops!
Now, on to a bit about my project!
What is my project? My goal in this is less to research and more to learn more about makeup and special effects. I hope to figure out how to make new and better things, and to do that, I'll be looking at how-to videos and tutorials, as well as books on the subject. I'll be posting some of the videos I watch, and some videos of my own, too! I also plan to put up pictures of makeup tests for whatever piece I happen to be working on.
What do I mean by tests? When I'm first figuring out an effect, I like to figure out what works best before I try to make a final piece. I have a couple at the bottom for a piece I'm working on now as examples- more on that as it develops!
I'll also be interning at Desert Stages Theatre and helping out however I can. I'll post more on that when I know more, and I'll definitely be putting up updates on what I'm doing there and how things are going!
Here are the makeup tests I mentioned. I'll talk about it more in another post, but for now, I'll say it's steampunk themed, and when I'm done, it will hopefully be a mix of the more horror-themed things I'm used to doing and some beauty makeup. There will definitely be more on this, possibly even in my next post.

These are both just concept sketches, but I'm excited to keep working on this!
That's about it for my introduction. Thanks for reading! There will more to come soon.
Here are the makeup tests I mentioned. I'll talk about it more in another post, but for now, I'll say it's steampunk themed, and when I'm done, it will hopefully be a mix of the more horror-themed things I'm used to doing and some beauty makeup. There will definitely be more on this, possibly even in my next post.

These are both just concept sketches, but I'm excited to keep working on this!
That's about it for my introduction. Thanks for reading! There will more to come soon.